Kleist without borders

With the work area “Kleist without borders” the Kleist-Museum wants to multiply the access to the literary and cultural heritage of Heinrich von Kleist. For this purpose, the exchange with various actors, associations and institutions of the double city Frankfurt (Oder) – Słubice and the region is sought.

Together we explore new forms and ways of dealing with language and literature in depth. In doing so, we are guided by the cultural and linguistic diversity of the people in our society, whose participation in culture in and outside the museum is to be strengthened.

With the programme "360°– Fonds für Kulturen der neuen Stadtgesellschaft" (360° – Fund for New City Cultures), the Federal Cultural Foundation supports cultural institutions in dealing more intensively with migration and diversity and in creating new access and visibility for groups in society that have not been adequately reached so far. To this end, the model programme, in which 39 cultural institutions nationwide are participating, promotes a variety of approaches aimed at diversity-related openness in the areas of programming, audience and staff.


Veronika Weisheimer
Tel.: +49 335 387 221-16
E-Mail: weisheimer@kleist-museum.de

Reading skills are promoted in cultural education work with schoolchildren and daycare centers. In order to support German-Polish reading promotion in the future, the story “Der zerbrochene Krug” (“The Broken Jug”), adapted for children from Kleist’s play, was translated into Polish in cooperation with Kindermann Verlag and produced in a print run of 500 books. The German retelling is by Barbara Kindermann, the illustrations by Willi Glasauer, and Krzysztof Iwanowski translated the text into Polish.

“Rozbity Dzban” is available free of charge to elementary schools, secondary schools and all institutions where Polish is taught. Requests for this are always welcome.

Funded in the program “360° – Fund for Cultures of the New Urban Society” of the German Federal Cultural Foundation.

Events within the framework of "Kleist grenzenlos

16:00 o'clock
Guided tour ©Roman Boichuk
Guided tour ©Roman Boichuk

Public guided tour in Ukranian

Free admission! Supported by the 360° programme of the German Federal Cultural Foundation

17:00 o'clock
Campaign motif ©Studio Ra
Campaign motif ©Studio Ra

Public guided tour in Ukranian

Free admission! Supported by the 360° programme of the German Federal Cultural Foundation

14:00 o'clock
Family Sunday ©Luis Grzonka
Family Sunday ©Luis Grzonka
Workshop Familienveranstaltung

Wood, gouge, craft


In the museum workshop, individual motifs are cut, scored and engraved into a wooden panel using a gouge and cutter knife. Using oil paint, unique prints are created in which the grain and colour create exciting effects.

The event will be held in German, Polish and Ukrainian.

Participation fee: €5 per person, incl. materials, donations welcome; registration required at kasse@kleist-museum.de

16:00 o'clock
Guided tour ©Roman Boichuk
Guided tour ©Roman Boichuk

Public guided tour in Polish language

Free admission! Supported by the 360° programme of the German Federal Cultural Foundation

17:00 o'clock
Campaign motif ©Studio Ra
Campaign motif ©Studio Ra

Public guided tour in Polish language

Free admission! Supported by the 360° programme of the German Federal Cultural Foundation

14:00 o'clock
Family Sunday ©Luis Grzonka
Family Sunday ©Luis Grzonka
Workshop Familienveranstaltung

Spring windlights


With floral motifs, fresh colours and plenty of room for creativity, young and old can design their own lanterns in the museum workshop and bring spring into their own homes.

The event will be held in German, Polish and Ukrainian.

Participation fee: €5 per person, incl. materials, donations welcome; registration required at kasse@kleist-museum.de

Promoted in the programme